Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Medical Updates

I had another 3+ hour appointment at the dentist today. He has been repairing all of my fractured teeth. Today was the third crown. Hopefully, this crown won't require the root canals the other two did. Once all the fractures, chips, and cracks are repaired, the restoration takes place along the front.

In regard to my eye surgery, the eyes are functionally and cosmetically better. However, they are not seeing correctly and I still have constant double vision. Now the vision is better, but functionally worse. Before, the double vision was so bad I just used one eye. Now, my mind is constantly switching between eyes trying to see a single image. This results in a dull headache all the time. I go back in September to have them evaluated again and most likely another surgery.

I go to the Urologist in couple weeks to continue chasing my problem of "stress incontinence", which is basically my bladder leaking when I put pressure on it (position, straining my body, etc). In the beginning a neurological bladder was thought to be the culprit, but that is not the case. He is going to insert small silicone implants on either side of my urethra to assist my body in clamping down to prevent the flow under pressure. Hopefully this will help, because the constant worry of peeing my pants really sucks.

That is about it as far as medical updates go. I have been getting off a lot of prescriptions lately and only take a couple prescriptions now, but a slew of supplements.

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